About Us
About Us
Our Work:
Our experience has been gained through many years of personal involvement in motorcycling from restoration and maintenance to preparation and customisation.
We offer ultrasonic carb cleaning for all types of motorcycle carburettors including a full strip and rebuild service for Keihin FCR racing flat slides. In addition to Carbs, we are also happy to consider cleaning other automotive components.
We currently operate as a small home business with cleaning being undertaken in a small workshop, we are completely committed to giving our customers the best possible service and our company is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance.
After several years experience with small scale ultrasonic cleaning equipment it occurred to us that the benefits really are worth extending to customers, the improvements to cosmetics and function that can be achieved by cleaning a carburettor in a suitable ultrasonic bath have always remained a point of amazement in our workshop; improved starting, tuning and smoothness are common results from ultrasonic cleaning.
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Business Hours:
Although we do not have retail premises at the moment, personal callers can be accommodated by prior arrangement, to discuss your requirements or arrange a visit please call Matt on 0775 200 8698 or email sales@harpers-ultrasonic.com . If for any reason we do not answer the phone, please leave your name and number as we are happy to call you back as soon as we can.
Normally we are able to answer email and telephone calls between 0800-2100 hours on weekdays and 0800-2200 at the weekend, although due to the nature of the work we undertake, we may occasionally miss a call or reply to email the next day.
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11 Hollybush Crescent